1. log in to admin
2. Navigate to Tools
3. You can find case management under tools.
This section explain how to manage cases. For that, navigate to manage cases.
All the created cases are listed under manage cases. Please refer the image below.
How to reply to a Case
1. Click on the Case ID or subject link (please refer above image). It will be redirected to the case details page
2. Click on the CONVERSATIONS button, then click on the Reply link.
3. We have 6 different message templates to reply to a case, based on the nature of the case. They are
1. Case.Default
2. Case.Created
3. Case.EmailConversation update
4. Case.Followup
5. Case.Updated
6. Case.Closed
4. When we reply to a case the message template is always Case. Default. We can add the required details on the body fields.
5. We can change the Message template as required. When we select any other Message templates from the list, an automatic text will be generated on the Body field.
6. We can upload the images by clicking the Select Files button.
7. Click on the send button
How to use/Manage a Solution to a case
1. We have some default resolution categories and resolutions for repeatedly asked customer questions.
2. When we get a new case related to the existing resolution category, we can select that from the Resolution category and related solutions from the Resolution field.
3. Once we select the required Resolution from the list, an automatic solution text will be generated on the Body field.
How to use the internal comments section
1. When we click on the Case ID or Subject link, it will be redirected to the case details.
2. Click on the COMMENT tab and click on the Add Comment button
3. A pop-up window will be available, where we can type/select the person to be tagged and also can add the description
4. An automatc email will be sent to the tagged customer's Email ID on behalf of the case.
How to close a case
1. Click on the case Id then it will be redirected to the case details page. Then click on the close case button.
2. Click on the close case button, and a pop-up will generate where we can add the Resolution comments then click on the close case
3. After closing the case, We can see the status as closed in the admin
4. An automatic email will be sent to the user's email id
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