Newsletter is a tool to prepare mailing campaigns, to manage subscribers and to create newsletter categories.
Step1: Navigate to Admin-Marketing-Newsletter
Mailing Campaign
Tool to send mass mail to your newsletter subscribers.
This tool able to filter among all customers by filtering by specific conditions.
To add a new Campaign: Use the "Add New' button on the top right corner.
Mailing campaign fields:
Name: Name of the campaign
Subject: Subject of the campaign
Body: Parameter placeholders are available to draft the mail. Use the search box to search parameter placeholders.
Email Account: Configure from email account.
Language: Select language.
Conditions For Campaign:
Now, all the customers who have subscribed for the newsletter will be available for the campaign. "Conditions for campaign' allows to filter the mailing list based on certain conditions.
After applying conditions, we can check the mailing list on the next tab ' Email Addresses'.
Customer created from date: Filter the subscribers based on the account creation date.
Last activity from date: Filter based on last activity date.
Last purchase from date: Filter by last purchase date.
Customer has an order: Filter subscribers on orders.
Customer has a shopping cart: Filter subscribers on shopping cart.
Customer tags: Filter by customer tags.(Customer tags can set in the customer profile).
Customer groups: Filter by customer groups.
Newsletter categories: We can select the newsletter category, so that the mailing list will be updated with subscribers who are opted the particular news letter category.
(For more info, refer newsletter category).Other Tabs:
Email Addresses: List of selected email addresses for the campaign.
From message queue (Administrator dashboard >> System >> Message queue) list you may find campaign emails as well.
History of sent Emails: List of all sent email address and date.
Test Campaign: Test the campaign by entering an email id in the given field.
Newsletter Subscribers
This is the place where you may find all list of your newsletter subscribers. For better management of the list, a filtration is available.
List of subscribers allows to use export or import from CSV file.
List view allows to delete record(s) or edit it. Edition may be by email or active filed.
Newsletter Category
This section is very useful if you want to categorize your newsletter subscribers.
Create a newsletter category
Use the 'Add new' button to get the below window. Once the category is created, It will be available in the customer form to select.
"Selected" setting - this setting define if that category should be preselected or not.
After saving, the category will be available in the customer registration form(Only if the newsletter is enabled in the customer registration form).