1. Case Type:
Each case will be associated to a case type. It indicates which type of issue the case is representing. Each case type will be associated to a customer group also.
Add a new case type
To add a new case type, click on the Add button in the top right corner.
image 1.1
Configure the case type by selecting the desired options in the form and click on save .
image 1.2
Name: Name of the case type
Customer support email: Customer will be responding to this email.
Description: Description of case type.
Store: Select the store for which the case type needs to be created.
Edit an existing case type
Refer the image 1.1 . We can edit the existing case type by clicking the edit button and re configuring the fields.
2. Case Flow:
It describes how a case can be created. Generally cases can be created through form as well as email.
Cases are automatically created in the admin whenever the below flows happened.
1. When the customer sends an email to the customer support email given in the website.
2. When the customer submit a form in the contact us page.
image 2.0
3. Case Priority
Cases has 3 levels of priority. To add a new priority level, use the add button in the top right corner. To edit an existing level, use the edit button.
image 3.1
4. Case Reason
Add/Edit the case reason by using the Add/Edit button (refer image 4.1)
Image 4.1
5. Settings
image 5.1
In settings, we can configure the idle time for notifications.