SEO is a
Step1: Login into Admin Portal
Step2: Select Configuration from left side menu
Step3: Select SEO NAMES
Here you can able to see all generated SEO Names in the list
Step1: Select any Names in the below list by the select box present on the left side
Step2: Select the Delete button present on the top right corner to delete the selected Names
Step1: Login into Admin Portal
Step2: Select Configuration from left side menu
Step3: Select SEO URL Redirections
Step1:Select Add NewOption
Now you can see two columns containing from URL and to URL
Step2: Now give the existing URL in the From URL Tab and the new URL in the TO URL Tab
Step3: Select the Save button to save the changes
Now you can see the newly added URL in the below list
Step1: Select any URLs in the below list by the select box present on the left side
Step2: Select the Delete button which is present in the top right corner to Delete the Selected URLs