Payment transactions

The Payment transactions section shows you how to process a payment transactions.

List of content:

- Payment transactions list page
- Payment transactions filters
- Payment transaction details page
- How to a process payment transaction

A payment transaction list is a simple page, where you can find all payment transactions that exist in your store, regardless of their status. You can filter them via filters.

Payment transactions list page

The main page shows all payment transactions created in your store, regardless of their status.

Payment transactions filters

You are able to filter payment transactions. You can do it by pressing the Filters button. 

Payment transactions details page

Click on any record from the payment transaction list to get the full details of it. The payment transaction details page contains all information needed to process the payment transaction. 

How to process a payment transaction?

1. On the selected payment transaction page, select the action from the button's group visible in the top-right corner.

2. That's all. Changing the payment transaction status will trigger the further actions on the order, described in the Orders management section.