How We Do Business: Innovation Meets Tradition

We offer and build great products, from our original dual-pin systems to our innovative new single-pin CRS line. We also know there's more to a great business model than having great products. The other key piece is the confidence you have in the company on the other end of the relationship, and our commitment to evolving with your needs.

We buy things just like you do, and we know the difference between a good purchasing/ownership experience and a not-so-good one. We never lose sight of how you want to be treated, whether you're interested in our traditional Cyclone Rake models or our new CRS line. You'll see, we take our commitment to the relationship we have with you very seriously. Life is short, and we're not going to waste one second delivering an experience that we can't be proud of, regardless of which product line you choose.

For more than twenty-seven years we've stood by every product and every replacement part we've sold. From our original designs to our latest innovations, we'll continue to do that for the next twenty-seven years (and then some).

Welcome to an ownership experience that will make you happy, satisfied, and confident that you made the right choice – From just looking to happily ever after.