Step2: Click on the ‘add new’ button in the top right corner.
Step3: We will get a form to fill. Please fill the fields appropriately.
Case Type: Select the case type from drop down.
Customer: Select the customer to whom we want to create a case ticket.
Order Id: This field will give all the order id's of associated with the particular customer. Please select the one with which they have the issue.
Assigned To: Select the sales rep from the drop down, to whom we want to assign the ticket for further actions.
Case status: When a new case is created, it's status will be New.
Priority: Set the priority of the case (Low/ Medium/ High).
Reason: Select the reason from drop down.
Subject: Give a subject line for the case.
Description: Give the description of the case.
Case Notes (Not visible to customers): Add the case notes if any.
Attachment: Attach the files if any.
Step4: After filling the form, Click on 'Save' on the top right corner.
Note: An email will be automatically generated to the customer group, customer and the back end team.
Below image is the email received by the customer after case creation.