The Cyclone Folding Rake - Easy Storage

Stores Just About Anywhere

Year after year our customers tell us one of their favorite features is the ability to fold the Cyclone Rake up and store it away in a garage or shed in less than 5 minutes. It really does separate into its component parts in less than 5 minutes, and will even hang on the wall. In fact, there's no other machine like it on the market that takes up less space. Now if you're like us, you'll keep your Cyclone Rake fully assembled and will show it off right next to your other prized possessions. But if you need the space, you'll know it will fold up and tuck away till the next time you need it.

Oh, and by the way, here is the list of tools you'll need to break it down or put it back together.

List of Tools: Yup, you're seeing that right, you wont need ANY tools!

Step one: a woman rolling the engine unit
1. With the pre-installed handles, lift the engine unit off the chassis and roll it away on its own caster wheels.
Step two a women folding down the collector bag.
2. Fold down the Collector Unit.
step three. A woman lifting the collector unit.
3. Lift the Collector Unit off the Chassis then remove the wheels. Since these units separate, they are easily handled individually.
Step four. A woman standing next to the Cyclone Rake hanging it on the wall for compact storage.
4. Hang the Collector and the Chassis on the Wall Mount brackets.
Elapsed time:
5 minutes.