Promo Codes

General Fields
Coupon Code
Types of Discounts
How Cumulative Discounts Work
Usage History

General Fields

  • Name: Provide a name for the discount.
  • Discount type: Select the type of discount from a dropdown menu.
  • Use percentage: Enable this option to apply the discount as a percentage. You can also set a maximum allowed discount amount in dollars.
  • Discount Amount: Set the amount of discount in dollars.
  • Calculate by plugin: In cases where a different calculation logic is required, enable this option. You must have the necessary plugin installed and select the plugin name to be used.
  • Limited to stores: Select the store(s) where the discount will be applicable.
  • Start date, End date: Schedule the discount using these fields to specify when it should be active.
  • Requires coupon code: If the discount requires a coupon code for activation, enable this field and provide the necessary code.
  • Allow for multiple uses of the coupon code: Enable this option if you want the same coupon code to be used multiple times.
  • Cumulative with other discounts: Enable this option to allow the discount to be applied in combination with other discounts.
  • Discount limitation: This parameter allows you to define specific limitations for the discount.
  • N times only: Limit the use of the discount to a specific number of times, for example, the first 50 uses.
  • N times per user: Limit the discount usage to a certain number of times per user.
  • Maximum discounted quantity: This field is available for discount types assigned to products, assigned to categories, or assigned to all products. You can specify the maximum number of eligible items that can receive the discount.

Coupon Code

To use above discount, customers need a unique code. There is an option called "Allow for multiple uses of the coupon code." If this option is enabled, one code can be used by multiple customers. If it's disabled, each customer will need a new code. There is no discount limitation for this discount.

Once the coupon code is enabled, a tab will be available for the coupon code.

To add coupon codes, click on the ‘Add new’ button and save the coupon code.

Types of Discounts

Assigned to Order Total

This discount type is applied to the order total (Subtotal+ Tax+ Shipping charges).


Discount Details:

When the discount is applied at the checkout:

Assigned to Products

This discount type can be applied to products that are added under the ‘Applied to products’ tab.


Discount details:

Products selected:

When the discount is applied at the checkout:

Assigned to Categories

This discount type is applied to the selected categories under the ‘Applied to categories’ tab.


Category selected:

When the discount is applied at the checkout:

Assigned to Order Subtotal

This discount type is applied to order subtotal.


When the discount is applied at the checkout:

Assigned to All Products

This type of discount is applied to all products that are added to the cart.


When the discount is applied at the checkout:

How Cumulative Discounts Work

If the cumulative discount is enabled, it can be applied along with other discounts.


Cumulative discount is enabled for the below two discounts and applied at the checkout.

Discount of 20%:

Discount of 10%:

The product chosen is Classic with XR & Standard Liner.

Discounts are applied at the checkout. A total of 30% of discount is applied.


In this tab, we can specify when a discount may be applied. Let’s see what discount rules are available.

Rule 1: Must be assigned to customer group

Discount will be applied only if the customer belongs to the configured customer group.

Rule 2: Customer had spent x.xx amount

The discount will only apply if the customer has previously met the required spending amount specified in the discount terms through past orders.

Rule 3: Customer has all these products in

Discount will be applied only if the customer has added all of the products configured with the discount rule, to the cart.

Rule 4: Customer has all these products in the cart

Discount will be applied only if the customer has added any of the products configured with the discount rule, to the cart.

Rule 5: Subtotal in shopping cart x.xx

The discount will only apply if the cart subtotal for the current order is the required amount or more, regardless of the customer or their past orders.

Usage History

Usage history will give the history of orders that the particular discount has been applied. A click on the order ID will give all the details about the particular order.