Here you will find replacement parts for your Cyclone Rake 7" Commercial. The Cyclone Rake Commercial was produced from March 2000-August 2005. It featured a 6HP Tecumseh® engine from March of 2000-December of 2004 and then a 7HP Briggs & Stratton® Intek™ engine from January 2005-September 2005. It has a black rectangular bag that measures 39” wide, a 7” diameter vacuum system hose from the mower deck to the engine/blower unit, and a 5-blade orange impeller. We maintain a massive inventory of parts to cover you from the smallest of bolts all the way up to a replacement collector bag. We've got you covered. Simply click on the image of the type of part you need. All the genuine Cyclone Rake parts are shipped for FREE right from our warehouses in West Haven, CT, and typically ship out the next business day. If you need a part you don't see listed just give our Product Technicians a ring and we'll get you back up and running.
Please note that this site is for aftermarket replacement parts only. If you are interested in Cyclone Rake Accessories like our Power Vacuum Pickup, Jack Stand, or Power Lift Unloader, please click here to shop for those items.
To make sure you get the right part when you want it, please click here for some answers to common FAQs and other good ordering information.