Email to the inbox:
The emails sent to the mail id '' by the customers will be converted as cases.
Contact Us:
Customer can go the Contact Us page on the website and submit the query/concern. A ticket will be generated automatically in the back end.
Category 3/4 tractors used while rake ordering:
When the entered tractor details by the customer when they order a rake, is not compatible with the model, a message will be appeared.
When the customer clicks on the 'Request help' button, a case will be automatically created in the back end.
New tractor suggestion:
When a customer types a new tractor detail, which is not existing in the database, a 'Click Here For Support' button will appear.
Click on the 'Request Help' button, a new case will be created in the back end.
B2B customer request:
When a customer fill and submit the 'Credit Application Form' from their account, a new case will be created automatically in the back end.
Order Cancel:
When an order is cancelled, a case is automatically created.
Order Return:
When a Customer/Rep initiates a return request from the Customer's account, a case will be automatically created in the back end.